direct at

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direct at

更新时间:2025-02-03 23:25:12

英 [diˈrekt æt]

美 [dɪˈrɛkt æt]

direct at基本解释

把 ... 对准某一目标; 把 ... 指向


  • 网络解释

1. 针对:die out (习俗等)渐渐消失 | direct at 针对 | dispose of 处置,处理,舍弃

2. 对准某一目标:court marshal 军事法庭 | direct at 对准某一目标 | emergency surfacing 紧急上浮

3. 指向,针对:391. be on a diet 节食 | 393. direct at 指向,针对 | 394. direct to 指向,针对

4. 瞄准...目标:direct against与...作对 | direct at瞄准...目标 | discover意外发现(强调一种好奇的东西)

  • 临近词
Daniels is at his best when he's cool and direct, rather than combative and polemical.(丹尼尔斯冷静、坦率时表现最好,而好斗、爱辩时则不然。)
ABSTRACT: This paper introduced the progress control process of initial energization in AP1000 Sanmen Project, and provided the analysis direct at schedule variance appeared.(摘要:介绍ap1000三门项目首次倒送电的整体进度控制过程,并针对现场执行过程中执行计划与基准计划的偏差进行分析。)
Direct economic losses stood at 28.1 billion yuan.(直接经济损失达281亿元人民币。)
These machines then gave instructions to the hacked PC - generally ordering them to direct traffic straight at victim websites, in attempt to overload them and force them to crash.(然后这些服务器给被黑电脑下达指令,一般都是命令它们直接将流量转向受害网站,目的是让这些网站过载从而迫使其崩溃。)
The important points in the paper direct at the factors in micro composition of market on the one hand, and its impacts on market liquidity on the other.(本文重点介绍了市场微观结构的一些要素,并着重分析了市场微观结构对市场流动性的影响。)
To practice your skill at direct communication, try the following exercise.(请做以下练习,锻炼你的直接沟通能力。)
Reducing the amount of sleep students get at night has a direct impact on their performance at school during the day.(减少学生晚上的睡眠时间会直接影响他们白天在学校的表现。)
Who will direct at the concert?(音乐会上谁将做指挥?)
How can I direct and produce at the same time?(我怎么能同时做导演和制片人?)
First, direct out-of-pocket payments at the time of care are identified as the single biggest barrier to universal coverage.(首先,在接受医疗服务时直接自掏腰包付费是影响全民覆盖的最大障碍。)
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